Well, so much for that.

For all my good intentions, I did not manage to become blogger extraordinaire after all. 

Sometimes things go wrong, and life becomes something you never thought it would be, and you need to take a little time to reevaluate. Some time to figure out who you are, who you want to be, and how you want to progress from here.  

I have taken that time, and I feel now that I have a much clearer idea of all of those things and so I am ready to start again. 

I won't promise any kind of regularity but I will write when I feel like it, and when it makes me happy. As I'm pretty certain that my rather protracted hiatus will have lost me the three followers I managed to attract, I'm guessing that there is no one out there to mind! 

This is what it is, and I hope you enjoy it. 

1 comment :

  1. You have no need to apologise. It's just lovely to see you're back.
    Happy writing. X


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