
Friday, 24 January 2014

Hello peoples!

So I was thinking about the various things I want to talk about on here and one of those is fashion. Now, I am by no means the most fashionable person I know and I am not very good (and by "not very good", I do of course mean shockingly bad) at keeping up with what's on the runway (you need my friend Kristina for that, check out her blog for someone who actually knows what they're talking about!) But I do love clothes and fashion, and so I would love to share my ponderings on the subject with you chaps.

I have always struggled to find my personal style. I entered my twenties with absolutely no idea of what I (realistically) wanted my image to be. I am pretty sure I know who I am in regards to my personality, but translating that into what I put on my person has been a bit of a challenge. 

I am too much of a mimic I think. I really admire people who have a clear idea of their style, people who's personality is reflected in their choice of clothing. But the mistake I have often made is that I try to copy their style in my attempts to find my own. This doesn't really work because, if someone's clothing reflects their specific personality, then their clothing won't reflect my personality. Obviously. I was left looking and feeling awkward and uncomfortable, and sometimes downright ridiculous. 
So, I have learned instead to take aspects of other people's style and incorporate them when trying to find my own. Sometimes looking at someone else's style can help you to open your mind to new ideas, such as new combinations or an item you've never considered but suddenly you start to think that maybe you could get away with it after all.

I have also learned to be brave, confidence is key! You can wear something terrible with conviction and make it look amazing, conversely you can wear something stunning with doubt and make it look all wrong. You gotta commit! It's all about the attitude, daaahling.

With these things in mind, and with the wonder that is Pinterest to hand, I feel I am beginning to get a handle on my style. 
I try not to fall back into the habit of chucking any old thing on before I leave the house, that always leads to me feeling dissatisfied with my appearance. Instead I try to make sure that I am happy with what I'm wearing every time I go out. It takes a bit of forward planning but it's definitely getting easier and I feel so much more confident. I have had many wardrobe clear-outs too, which means I'm getting closer to actually liking all the clothes I own! This in turn makes the whole getting ready fandango a much smoother process, with less crying and being two hours late to everything. Now I'm only one hour late to everything. Progress!

Anyway, I am so looking forward to documenting my attempts (and likely failures) on this blog and would love for you to join me on my fashion(ish) adventures. 

Thank you for reading, I love you all! 

Pip pip!

Aims xx

P.s Thank you so much to Marie at Code It Pretty for helping me get my Pinterest gadget working properly. She is an absolute genius and her tutorials make the scary world of html/java/css/rss/ihavenoideawhatanyofthesethingsare so much easier to navigate. She also very kindly responds to comments and questions if you have any problems, like I did. Thanks Marie! 

P.p.s Do you have any fashion advice/observations/general ponderings to share? Tell me in the comments! 

P.p.p.s If, indeed, the comments feature is now working properly. Please let me know if it's still misbehaving. 

P.p.p.p.s Ok, that's me really finished now! Byeeee! X

All images courtesy of Pinterest You may as well get used to that. 

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