About Me


I'm Aimee Pow and this is my blog of stuff! 
As you can see, this is all quite new to me so please bear with me a little as I get started. It will probably be a bit of everything, so hopefully you can find something you like. 

I am married to my lovely Tim and living in Livingston, Scotland. 

You can mostly find me snuggled up watching tv or reading, usually because I'm procrastinating. I have a serious Pinterest addiction and I check Instagram far too regularly! 
I also love music, occasionally attempting to make some myself, although practicing the piano is one area in which I am very good at procrastinating.

I hope you will enjoy joining me on my adventures in blogging! 


  1. Hello Aimskys! It's Cassieface! Just wanna' say that your blog if marvy and gorgy! You have motivated me further to start a blog. You are the best auntie EVER!!!! Love you!


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