Illness, Frustration, and Soup

Monday, 9 November 2015

So, the last while has been a bit of a pain for me. Quite literally, actually! I’ve been struggling with pretty severe kidney pain for the last few months. It started with an infection, but the pain persisted long after there was no infection left to treat. I’ve had multiple trips to doctor’s offices and hospitals, lost an armful or two of blood (I only cried a lot. And tried to hold the doctor’s hand, but that’s beside the point), and been otherwise poked and prodded to within an inch of my sanity. All of this has so far been for naught, nobody has a clue what’s going on. I have more scans ahead, and more hospital visits, and possibly a good long while before I find out why I have this pain, if I find out at all. 

But, I don’t want to moan about any of that, I want to moan about something different. What I want to moan about is the FRUSTRATION! Arg. 

As you may know, I have been dealing with various chronic illnesses for a long time, so I am actually quite used to it. But I don’t remember ever being quite this frustrated. That’s a lie, I do. But it was ages ago, so I’m ready to be overly dramatic about this instead. 

My frustration has been compounded by the fact that, before Kidney-gate, I was actually doing really well! I had made a lot of changes to my diet and lifestyle and I found myself with way more energy, both physical and mental, than before. I was feeling rather on top of things, my house was clean, my dishes were clean, my clothes were clean, even my hair was clean! I know! I was pretty much cured, tbh. Or at least my little goldfish brain thought I was, and that was good enough for me. Then the kidney nonsense started up and, not only was that going on, but everything else came crashing down on me as well. I was back to days spent in bed, unwashed hair, and general self-pity.

But! I have started to feel a little better, I’ve gained some ground and some mental energy. Things are being washed again, much to everyone’s relief. Which, is a long winded and ranty (shut up spellcheck, ranty is a word if I say it is!) way of saying that I didn't feel like doing any writing for a long time, but now I do. Yay! (Yay for me, you can feel how you like about it)

And what will I write about, you ask? And I will answer…soup! Oh yes, this is what it has come to, soup. 

A little while ago, in a frenzy of excitement due to a rare burst of energy, I decided to make my first ever pot of soup. What a revelation! Then, my lovely little pally suggested to me that I should try making soup with my slow cooker. Another revelation! So, I have gone a bit soup mad. But, it’s November and it’s miserable outside and it makes me feel like a domestic goddess even when I spent ten minutes chopping veg and then the rest of the day lying on the sofa, so I’m pretty happy about it. So what if my poor husband sloshes when he moves!? He is very well nourished, whether he likes it or not. So I count that as a win. 

My first attempt at soup making, as shared on my Instagram. 

I hope that I’ll have some answers soon but, if not, at least I’ll always have Soup. 

I’d like to do a bit more writing, and possibly even share some of my experimental soup recipes on here, so we’ll see how that goes. 
I know that a lot of people are in the same boat as myself, health wise, and I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in feeling miserable and frustrated sometimes. I send you all telepathic comfort soup! 

Take care and stay cosy. X

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